Data Protection, Privacy Policy and GDPR

Aleph Finance will comply with GDPR Directive when collecting, storing and maintaing and using personal data.
If you are interested into how our organization processes personal data and how it applies data protection principles, please contact us and we will provide you with our documentation about our Privacy Policy and GDPR adoption.
We do NOT collect information from individuals directly, any information you will provide through this website will only be used to answer back to your request and than deleted should you not explicity approve differently

  • Our representative in charge for you to contact is our Data Protection Officer is Maria Mickiewicz.
    You can contact us at and phone number +44 (0)20 7539 3771
  • The purpose for our organization to process your personal data is to provide you with info about our financial products and services.
    Aleph Finance is an approved trading name of UCapital Asset Management LLP.
    UCapital Asset Management LLP is a financial services provider and is regulated by the FCA, 477155. Our privacy and data protection policy are approved by our regulator.
  • When you seek to become a client of us, we are obliged by AML and KYC rules to obtain personal and financial data from yourselves, data that will be processed accordingly to our plicy.
  • Your data will be processed internally to our organization, and be available to Compliance Department and Administration.  Once you become a client, you will be assigned an Account Exective Person.
  • We do not transfer any personal data to a third country .
  • Retention period  for your data is generally one year. Should you be willing to know more about criteria used to determine the retention period of the data, please contact us and we will provide you with related documentation.
  • You are entitled all rights about your data, accordingly to GDPR and all the other UK and EU directives and laws.
  • You have  right to withdraw consent at any time, just send us an email at
  • You have right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the UK’s supervisory authority for the GDPR and is responsible for promoting and enforcing the legislation. For complaint please contact ICO at
  • We remember you that the provision of personal data is part of a statutory or contractual requirement and obligation. Failing to provide your personal data would impossibility to use our services and products, and cause immediate interruption of services.In some cases it could imply informing relevant authorithies.
  • We do NOT have  an automated decision-making system, including profiling, and information about how this system has been set up, the significance, and the consequences

We do NOT obtain your data indirectly (via another organization).

Privacy, Terms and Conditions

•   This website contains proprietary information. The contents, and any opinions on information, advisory and products it contains, may not be modified, sold, or otherwise provided, in whole or in part, to any other person or entity without UCapital Asset Management LLP written permission. You may not reproduce (in whole or in part), transmit (by electronic means or otherwise), modify, link into, store, archive or in any other way use for any public or commercial purpose this site or any of the content without prior written permission of UCapital Asset Management LLP.

•   This website is intended for general information purposes. Any opinions on investment products contained herein are not intended to convey any guarantees as to the future investment performance of these products.

•   Under no circumstances should any material at this site be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy an interest in any security or investment managed by UCapital Asset Management LLP or its affiliates or any other product or service to any person in any jurisdiction, nor should it serve as the basis for any investment decision.

•   In addition to the information herein contained, one investor considering the products and services analysed should carry out his own due diligence, should carefully study the account forms, disclosure documents and/or risk disclosure statements which are provided directly by the asset management companies, banking or brokerage counterparties.

•   Past performance is no indication of future performance, and nothing on this Site should be interpreted to state or imply otherwise. The value of investments may fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the full amount invested.

•   This website may contain information that has been obtained from other sources. UCapital Asset Management LLP gives no representations or warranties as to the accuracy of such information, and accepts no responsibility or liability (including for indirect, consequential or incidental damages) for any error, omission or inaccuracy in such information.

•    In this website you may find addresses or hyperlinks leading out of this Website. The existence of any such links shall not constitute an endorsement, representation or warranty of such link. Users are advised that information on hyperlinked or referred-to websites is neither investigated nor analysed by UCapital Asset Management LLP. No warranty or representation, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy or completeness of such information.

•   UCapital Asset Management LLP reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices under which this site is offered.

•   Opening this website shall not render the user a customer of UCapital Asset Management LLP nor shall UCapital Asset Management LLP owe such users any duties or responsibilities as a result thereof.

•   The Terms and Conditions of this website are without prejudice to any contractual terms you may enter into with us, which will take precedence over the Terms and Conditions of this website

•   Any use of this website shall be subject to UK law.

For further detail go to our Legal Documents page.

Which kind of customers are you?


You are an individual private investor or a small charity, small trust or small organisation.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Retail Client section of website is aimed at residents of the UK only. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
The material on the website is for information only and is not an invitation to subscribe for units or shares in any funds described herein nor is it investment advice or investment recommendation. Nothing on this site should be construed as investment advice or investment recommendations. We highly recommend that you obtain appropriate professional investment advice before making any investment decisions.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” page of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

You are an approved or exempt intermediary selling or recommending financial products to clients.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Professional Client section of website is aimed at professional financial advisers of the UK. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
Information on the Professional Client section of our website will not be fully compliant with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) disclosure requirements relevant to private investors or retail clients.
If you are a private investor you must not access this area of our website. Please select the Retail Client option from our welcome screen.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” pages of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

You are here on behalf of a fund management group, pension fund or other institutional investor.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Institutional section of website is aimed at professional financial advisers of the UK. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
Information on the Institutional section of our website will not be fully compliant with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) disclosure requirements relevant to private investors or retail clients.
If you are a private investor you must not access this area of our website. Please select the Retail Client option from our welcome screen.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” pages of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

For further information, please read our Legal Documents.