Wealth Management

A range of investment solutions
for different risk appetites

Wealth Management is one of the most sought-after investment solutions among our Asset Management services. Signing up to a wealth management service means allowing your assets to be managed by our professional advisors, experts who will take care of investing your money on your behalf, adhering to the risk levels established by the mandate.

Benefits of AlephFinance Wealth Management


You can accurately track the composition, movement and returns through periodic report. For any doubt or clarification, you can contact our consultants.

Experienced Experts

You can benefit from our team of skilled professionals with a diverse background in financial markets

Personalised Solutions

We offer a wide range of Wealth Management solutions for different risk appetites, investment objectives and desired exposure to financial markets.


You can benefit by a diverse array of investment opportunities with a broad and diverse degree of decorrelation to traditional asset classes to attain an effective diversification of your assets.

Wealth Management Team
in numbers

Thematic Investment Areas
Collective Years of Experience
World Economic Areas Covered
Dedicated Quant Teams
Dedicated Portfolio Managers


You can build your own portfolio selecting from a variety of investment opportunities, strategies and model portfolios to suit your investment objective.

Expertise. Consistency.
Independence. Reputation.

DISCLAIMER: Investing involves a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for you. Please read our risk disclaimer. You may need to seek independent advice.


Which kind of customers are you?


You are an individual private investor or a small charity, small trust or small organisation.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Retail Client section of alephfinance.com website is aimed at residents of the UK only. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
The material on the website is for information only and is not an invitation to subscribe for units or shares in any funds described herein nor is it investment advice or investment recommendation. Nothing on this site should be construed as investment advice or investment recommendations. We highly recommend that you obtain appropriate professional investment advice before making any investment decisions.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” page of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

You are an approved or exempt intermediary selling or recommending financial products to clients.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Professional Client section of alephfinance.com website is aimed at professional financial advisers of the UK. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
Information on the Professional Client section of our website will not be fully compliant with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) disclosure requirements relevant to private investors or retail clients.
If you are a private investor you must not access this area of our website. Please select the Retail Client option from our welcome screen.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” pages of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

You are here on behalf of a fund management group, pension fund or other institutional investor.

The basis on which you access this site
The material on the Institutional section of alephfinance.com website is aimed at professional financial advisers of the UK. Products and services mentioned on this site are subject to UK legal and regulatory requirements and are not available in any jurisdictions other than the UK.
Information on the Institutional section of our website will not be fully compliant with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) disclosure requirements relevant to private investors or retail clients.
If you are a private investor you must not access this area of our website. Please select the Retail Client option from our welcome screen.
We draw your attention to the “Legal Documents” pages of our web site. This can be found at the top of each page. This section contains important information about the terms under which you use this web site, risk warnings and other important information. Please access and read this Important Information section.
Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The value of investments and any income from them is not guaranteed and may fall as well as rise and the investor may not get back the original amount invested.

Aleph Finance is a trading name of Pairstech Capital Management LLP.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized and regulated by the FCA – Financial Conduct Authority – with registration number 477155.
Pairstech Capital Management LLP is authorized as third country firm without a branch by CONSOB with registration number 54.
Registered Company number OC333807.

For further information, please read our Legal Documents.