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Our Portfolios & Market Update Apr 2022

ETFs & Funds PortfoliosPerf 1M %Perf 3M %Perf YTD %Perf 1Y %
PT ETF1G – GROWTH-2,75-0,38-5,855,41
PT ETF1I – INCOME-1,12-1,96-3,670,70
PT ETF1B – BALANCED-2,29-1,16-4,982,51
PT ETF1R – REDDITO-1,37-4,26-5,71-2,49
Portafoglio ETFs X4-2,39-1,04-4,781,68
Portfolio ETFs Inflation-Hedge0,013,102,899,14
Portfolio ETFs Inflation-Hedge  (USD) EUR1,666,676,8016,48
PT ETF UK Balanced-1,041,00-3,263,19
ETFs Strategic High Risk-1,894,880,2413,25
FT Multi-Asset Flexible0,132,08-0,479,64
PT 1AC – Action-2,37-1,61-7,63-8,06
PT 1CO – Conservativo-1,93-3,33-5,88-5,60
PT 1CR – Crescita-2,13-2,68-6,50-6,02
PT 1WM – World Market-2,79-3,36-8,34-5,86
PT 1AR – Abs Return-2,01-3,25-5,09-4,80
PT 1ARHR – Abs Ret High Risk-2,82-2,01-6,67-5,25
PT 1FQ – Fondi Quotati-3,27-4,64-7,59-1,06
BG Vita R4-1,94-5,14-11,64-9,23
The S&P 500 dropped by 10,22% in April, its worst month since March 2020. It’s also down 13,31% percent in 2022, its worst start to the year since World War II. This is mainly due to the rising interest rates and high inflation that raised concerns about consumer sentiment. The Nasdaq performance peaked by 14,49% during the month, its worst drop since the start of the pandemic. The Japanese index, Nikkei 225, fell by 4,21% due to bad news stating that new coronavirus cases in Tokyo hit a record high and the Japanese authorities informed that local businesses would have to shorten their hours again. The US long term government bonds are dropping by 8,65% in April as investors are concerned on Covid-19 outbreak in China and the global economic slowdown. The Bitcoin against the USD significantly decreased in value after the Bank of England flagged a possible recession and double-digit inflation. Lastly, the euro declined against the USD in April after Russia cut off gas to Poland and Bulgaria, surpassing the drop reached in the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020.  
Global MarketPerf 1M %Perf 3M %Perf YTD %Perf 1Y %
Nasdaq Comp-14,59-10,43-21,16-11,66
Euro Stoxx 50-3,95-8,07-11,53-4,32
Ftse 100-0,451,052,178,25
Ftse Mib-4,14-8,71-11,320,46
Nikkei 225-4,210,49-6,75-6,82
Shangai Comp-6,72-9,35-16,28-11,60
WTI Crude Oil-2,3827,1347,7482,58
Commodity Index1,3826,0539,9459,82
US Gov Long Term-8,65-15,36-18,53-12,23
US Gov Short Term-0,48-2,30-2,97-3,54
US Corporate-5,36-9,72-12,73-10,43
EU Gov Long Term-6,65-15,13-16,18-15,69
EU Gov Short Term-0,52-1,55-1,68-2,04
EU Corporate-2,26-6,63-7,56-7,84

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